OneFamily Life Insurance Review

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Our experts review costs, policy features, and customer feedback on OneFamily's range of Life Insurance policies.

OneFamily Life Insurance Review
OneFamily is a mutual insurance company offering life insurance, pensions and investments to UK customers.

In this guide:

The History of OneFamily

OneFamily was founded in 1975 as the Family Assurance Friendly Society. It was created to provide financial security for families in the event of a breadwinner's death. OneFamily is a mutual company, owned by its policyholders. This means that it is not listed on the stock exchange and does not have shareholders. Instead, any surplus generated by the company is reinvested back into the business or used to benefit customers. OneFamily offers a wide range of financial products, including life insurance, pensions, investments and savings plans. The company also provides financial advice and guidance to help customers make the most of their money. It has Over 2 million customers.

What Life Insurance policies does OneFamily offer in the UK?

OneFamily offers a variety of life insurance policies for UK residents. The company offers both whole life and term life insurance policies, as well as a range of policy options and riders to tailor coverage to each individual's needs. OneFamily also offers a variety of ways to pay for life insurance, including monthly, quarterly, and annual payments.

How much does Life Insurance from OneFamily cost?

OneFamily offers a range of life insurance products for UK customers, starting at £5 per month. Prices vary depending on the age of the customer, with younger customers typically paying lower rates.

What do customers say about Life Insurance from OneFamily?

OneFamily's UK customers have given feedback that they are happy with their Life Insurance policies. They feel that the policies are easy to understand and provide good value for money. They also appreciate the flexibility of the policies, which allows them to tailor them to their individual needs.

The pros and cons of OneFamily Life Insurance

OneFamily's UK Life Insurance policies offer a number of advantages, including the ability to tailor coverage to your specific needs, the flexibility to choose from a variety of policy terms, and the option to add riders for additional protection. OneFamily also offers a number of discounts, including a multi-policy discount if you purchase multiple policies from the company, and a loyalty discount for customers who have been with the company for five years or more. There are a few potential drawbacks to OneFamily's UK Life Insurance policies to be aware of as well. First, the company does not have a very wide network of agents, so it may be difficult to find someone in your area who can help you with your policy. Additionally, OneFamily's policies are not available in all states, so if you live in a state that is not serviced by the company, you will need to look elsewhere for life insurance coverage. Finally, OneFamily's life insurance rates are not as competitive as some of the other options on the market.

Claiming from OneFamily

OneFamily pays out 97% of all valid life insurance claims.


"I'm so glad I bought Life Insurance from OneFamily. I was really worried about what would happen to my family if I died, but now I know they'll be taken care of financially. Thank you OneFamily!"