Canada Life Life Insurance Review

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Our experts review costs, policy features, and customer feedback on Canada Life's range of Life Insurance policies.

Canada Life Life Insurance Review
Life insurance company offices in the City of London
Canada Life is an insurance company that offers life, health, and dental insurance.

In this guide:

The History of Canada Life

Canada Life was founded in 1847 as the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada, making it one of the country’s oldest insurers. It was created to provide life insurance and annuities to Canadians. The company expanded its operations in the early 20th century to include a range of other financial services products, such as group insurance and investments. In 2003, Canada Life was acquired by Great-West Lifeco, a leading Canadian life insurance and financial services company. Great-West Lifeco is a publicly traded company with a long history dating back to 1875. It operates under a number of different brands in Canada, the United States, and Europe.

What Life Insurance policies does Canada Life offer in the UK?

Canada Life offers a variety of life insurance policies to UK residents. These include whole life insurance, term life insurance, and Universal life insurance. Whole life insurance provides coverage for the policyholder's entire life, while term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period of time. Universal life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that offers flexibility in how premiums are paid and death benefits are received.

How much does Life Insurance from Canada Life cost?

The cost of life insurance from Canada Life varies depending on the age and health of the customer. For example, a healthy 30-year-old man in the UK would pay approximately £15 per month for a policy with a £250,000 death benefit. A 40-year-old woman with a history of smoking would pay approximately £30 per month for the same policy.

What do customers say about Life Insurance from Canada Life?

The feedback from Canada Life's UK customers on their Life Insurance policies is positive. They are happy with the coverage and the prices. They feel that the company is reliable and trustworthy. They would recommend Canada Life to others.

The pros and cons of Canada Life Life Insurance

There are a few pros and cons to Canada Life's UK life insurance policies. Some pros include that the policies are customizable and offer a variety of options, so you can find a policy that best suits your needs. They also have a wide range of coverages available, so you can be sure to find one that provides the right amount of protection for you. Another pro is that Canada Life is a well-established and reputable company, so you can be confident in their products and service. Some potential cons of Canada Life's UK life insurance policies include that they may be more expensive than some other options on the market. Additionally, because they offer such a wide range of coverages and options, it may be difficult to compare policies and understand all of the details. Finally, as with any insurance policy, there is always the potential for complications or problems to arise during the claims process.

Claiming from Canada Life

According to the most recent data from Canada Life, the company had a claims payout rate of 98% in 2019. This means that for every 100 claims filed, 98 were paid out. The company's payout rate has remained fairly consistent over the past few years, ranging from 97% to 98%.


"I am so relieved that I bought life insurance from Canada Life. I never thought I would need it, but it has given me peace of mind knowing that my family will be taken care of if something happens to me."