Are life insurance policies worth it?

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Are life insurance policies worth it?
Photo by Neil Mark Thomas / Unsplash
Life insurance can provide peace of mind and financial security for your loved ones in the event of your death. But it's not for everyone.

If you don't have a partner, children or other people who depend on you financially, life insurance is likely to be a waste of money. But if you do, life insurance can be worth its weight in gold (as long as it fits your needs and budget).

In this article:

The Pros and Cons of Life Insurance Policies
The Benefits of Life Insurance Policies
The Drawbacks of Life Insurance Policies
Is a Life Insurance Policy Worth It?

The Pros and Cons of Life Insurance Policies


  • Pays a cash lump sum to your "beneficiaries" (that is, family members or someone else you designate) in the event of your death
  • Gives you peace of mind that the people you care about will be financially secure if you die unexpectedly


  • You have to pay for it each month (unless your employer provides it)
  • If you die after the end of the policy term, neither you nor your beneficiaries will get anything back

The Benefits of Life Insurance Policies

Many people may wonder if a life insurance policy is worth the investment, but there are actually many benefits that come along with having one.

For starters, life insurance can provide financial security for your loved ones in the event of your death. This can be extremely beneficial if you are the primary breadwinner in your family and your death would leave them struggling financially.

Additionally, an add-on to life insurance called critical illness cover can be used as a way to help cover expenses in the event that you become disabled and are unable to work. This can help to ensure that you and your family are taken care of financially even if you are no longer able to bring in an income.

Overall, life insurance policies are all about providing financial security and peace of mind for people with partners and families.

The Drawbacks of Life Insurance Policies

While life insurance policies can provide financial security for loved ones in the event of your death, there are several drawbacks to consider before purchasing a policy.

Firstly, life insurance is an extra expense you need to deal with every month, and the costs can increase as you get older.

Secondly, life insurance policies can be complex, and it can be difficult (not to mention boring) to understand all of the terms and conditions.

Lastly, life insurance policies are not always reliable, in that there is a small chance the benefits might not pay out when they should – for example, if you die within a certain time frame after taking out the policy. (There's more about life insurance claims that get turned down here).

Is a Life Insurance Policy Worth It?

Ultimately, whether or not a life insurance policy is worth it depends on your individual circumstances.

"I used to think life insurance was a waste of money, but now I realise it's an important safety net for my family."