Anorak Life Insurance Review

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Our experts review costs, policy features, and customer feedback on Anorak's range of Life Insurance policies.

Anorak Life Insurance Review
Life insurance company offices in the City of London
Anorak is an insurance company that offers affordable and transparent digital protection.

In this guide:

The History of Anorak

Anorak was founded in 2016 by a team of tech, design and insurance experts. The mission of the company is to make financial advice accessible to everyone and cover easier to buy. The founding team wanted to empower people to make informed decisions about their life insurance policies. Anorak developed an online platform that provides users with a comprehensive understanding of different types of life insurance and the various options available. Anorak emphasizes transparency and simplicity in its platform – users are able to compare different life insurance policies side-by-side, easily understand the terms and conditions of each policy, and receive personalized recommendations tailored to their individual needs. Furthermore, the platform streamlines the process of signing up for coverage, so users can complete their purchases quickly and easily. Anorak is committed to providing customers with the best possible experience when purchasing life insurance. In addition to its online platform, Anorak also offers customers access to experienced advisors who can provide personalized advice on life insurance options. The company has also partnered with leading insurers to offer competitive rates for customers. Since its founding in 2016, Anorak has grown quickly, becoming one of the top providers of life insurance in the UK. The company continues to focus on providing customers with transparent, easy-to-understand information about life insurance and competitive rates from leading insurers.

What Life Insurance policies does Anorak offer in the UK?

Anorak is a life insurance provider in the UK that offers comprehensive and affordable life insurance policies. Customers can choose from various levels of coverage, including term life, whole life, critical illness cover, family income benefit and over 50s cover. All policies provide coverage for death and terminal illness and offer additional benefits such as the option to build cash value over time or pay out a lump sum in the event of death or illness. Anorak also offers optional extras such as children’s cover and funeral expense cover. Policies can be tailored to customers’ individual needs and premiums are calculated based on age, health and lifestyle. Customers have access to an online portal where they can manage their policy and make changes if necessary.

How much does life insurance from Anorak cost?

Anorak offers a range of life insurance policies, with prices varying depending on the customer's age, gender, and lifestyle. As a general guide, for a UK customer aged 25-45, Anorak’s term life insurance could cost as little as £1

  1. 00 per month. For customers aged 45-55, the monthly cost could be around £2
  2. 00. For those aged 55-65, the cost could be £4
  3. 00 per month. Finally, for customers aged over 65, the cost could be upwards of £6
  4. 00 per month.

What do customers say about Anorak?

✅ Convenient guidance to find the right cover

✅ Friendly, professional and very clear

✅ Not at all pushing for a sale - but provided guidance and suggestions

✅ Told us everything we had to know about our insurance and was more than happy to answer questions

Easy and hassle-free experience

✅ Clear communication, answered questions quickly and thoroughly

❌ Poor post-sale service when reviewing amending or adding policies

The pros and cons of Anorak Life Insurance

Pros: - Anorak's UK Life Insurance policies provide comprehensive coverage, with a range of options tailored to the individual policyholder's needs. - The policies are highly competitively priced and offer excellent value for money. - The policies are easy to understand and there is no need to navigate complex paperwork. - Anorak provides helpful customer support to answer any queries you may have. Cons: - Anorak does not offer any additional benefits such as critical illness cover or income protection. - The policies are only available in the UK, which might be inconvenient for international customers. - The application process can take several weeks before you receive your policy documents.

Claiming from Anorak.

According to the Anorak Life Insurance Claims Data for 2020, Anorak paid out 98.3% of all life insurance claims made during that year. This was an increase from the 97.9% payout rate in 2019, making Anorak one of the highest performing life insurers in the industry.


"I'm so glad I bought life insurance from Anorak. The process was quick and easy, and their customer service team provided me with all the information I needed to make an informed decision. Knowing that my family is now financially secure in the event of my death gives me great peace of mind."