Sally MacLeod

Sally MacLeod

Income Protection Basics

🤷‍♀️ Not sure where to start when it comes to Income Protection? Let us help!

What is the best Key Person Insurance for me and my business?

Losing a co-founder, partner, or CEO can have serious consequences for a business's financial sustainability. Key Person Insurance is a type of life insurance designed to help mitigate that risk. Who counts as a "Key Person"? A key person can be any individual who is vital to the running of

Key Person Insurance

It used to be called key man insurance, but happily we now live in (slightly) more egalitarian times. What can key person insurance do for you and your business? In this article: What is key person insurance? How does key person insurance work? What are the benefits of key person

How much does key person insurance cost in the UK?

Key person insurance is a type of insurance that is taken out to protect a business in the event that a key employee dies or becomes critically ill. The cost of key person insurance will vary depending on a number of factors, but it is typically much cheaper than other

When was the life insurance business nationalised?

The life insurance business was nationalised in India in the 1950s. The nationalisation of the life insurance business had a profound impact on the industry, both in terms of its size and scope. The Pros and Cons of Nationalising the Life Insurance Business are still debated today. In this article:

Can life insurance be a tax deductible business expense?

Life insurance can be a tax deductible business expense in certain cases. For example, if the life insurance policy is taken out on a key employee, the premiums can be deducted as a business expense. Additionally, if the life insurance policy is used as collateral for a business loan, the

Life insurance vs critical illness

đź‘ŚExplained: the similarities and differences between life insurance and critical illness cover in the UK.